When should you consider referral of a patient?
Heart murmurs
Previously diagnosed “functional” murmur that is louder on serial examination
Grade 3-6/6 left-sided murmur consistent with MR or AR
Grade 4-6/6 right-sided systolic murmur consistent with TR
VSD or other congenital defect suspected
Continuous or combined systolic & diastolic murmur
Murmur during prepurchase examination
Pathologic cardiac arrhythmias (+/- murmur)
Suspected myocardial injury/damage
Suspicion of congestive heart failure (CHF)
Irregular arrhythmias at rest
Arrhythmias during or in the immediate period after excerise
Regular arrythmias that persist with exercise
History of collapse
, large VSDs)
Poor performance
No indication for muskuloskeletal or respiratory causes of poor performance
Poor performance associated with heart murmurs or arrhythmias
What to expect if you refer a patient?
We will first perform a comprehensive examination of the patient at the home stables or at the hospital. We will then analyze the echocardiogram and ECG offline and perform relevant measurements. A full report including all relevant data and recommendation will be send to you and the client.